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Consequences - Courses
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A detailed and comprehensive listing of the types of academic sanctions faculty may assign to students on the Academic Integrity Form can be found in the document Sanctioning Guidelines for Academic Integrity Violations.

According to the Undergraduate Advising Handbook:

Impact on a Student's Record:

A student who is in violation of the academic integrity policy may receive a lower grade or a failing grade as an academic sanction. A student may also receive a conduct warning, conduct probation, conduct suspension, or an XF symbol on his/her transcript as a conduct sanction.

XF Symbol and Grade:

If there has been an egregious act of academic dishonesty (e.g. breaking into an instructor's office to steal tests and selling them)—or if there have been multiple violations in one or more courses—then, with the concurrence of the instructor, college committee, and the Office of Student Conduct, a grade of F is recorded as the student's quality of performance in the course. The grade is accompanied by the symbol X indicating a sanction for academic dishonesty. The symbol (X) remains on the student's transcript for the period of the sanction, and the F grade remains on the student's record.

Course Drop or Withdrawal:

A student who has been found responsible for academic dishonesty in a course may not drop or withdraw from the course. If the student processes a regular drop, late drop, withdrawal, or a retroactive late drop or withdrawal for the course, the action will be reversed and the appropriate grade and symbol will be recorded on the student's transcript.